The State of Data Science Education

Thu, 10 August, 2017 10:00pm


6:00pm -- Networking and Food 
6:30pm -- Introductions, NOVA Data Science Updates, andAnnouncements
6:45pm -- Presentation and Discussion


Presenters will provide a overview of the state of Data Science's penetration into Higher Education, with a focus on current trends and programs being delivered from the top universities in the country.  This will include analysis on the varying programs available in the market, how they are designed to meet different market needs and predictions on the future of Data Science education.


Brian Wright, Director of  Operations, GWU Data Science - Brian Wright serves as the Director of Operations and Lecturer for the Data Science Master’s program. Previously, Brian has worked as Department of Defense employee, as a Subject Matter Expert at SAIC and managed a research institute inside the School of Business at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He holds a BS in Economics, Master’s in Public Administration and is a Higher Education PhD Candidate (2017). His research interests include data driven startups, student engagement and pedagogical techniques for technical course delivery.


By GWU Data Science Program
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