NVTC's Cyber Breach and Workforce Issues event at GW

Panelists include GW professor Diana Burley
Wed, 20 April, 2016 11:30am

Join the NVTC Cybersecurity and Privacy Committee on April 20 for an industry and education panel centered around cybersecurity supply and demand. Industry and panel participants will weigh in on the cybersecurity workforce shortage, discussing what they are doing to help close the gap, as well as what skills would be required to handle a breach. The event will also feature keynote remarks by OPM Acting Director Beth Cobert.

Beth Cobert, Acting Director, OPM

Panelists include:
Kenneth Ball, Dean, Volgenau School of Engineering at George Mason University
Aaron Bishop, Vice President, Chief Information Security Officer, SAIC 
Diana Burley, Professor, George Washington University
Bradley Schwartz, President and CEO, Blue Canopy Group, LLC

Registration through NVTC's website.

Northern Virginia Technology Council

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