Publications, conferences, grants and other news regarding VSTC faculty from the February 2013 VSTC Newsletter.
Prof. Azim Eskandarian (CEE) presented the following paper at the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, held January 13-17, in Washington DC: Moreau, J., and Eskandarian, A. “Development and Comparison of Vehicle Preemptive Lane Keeping Systems by Steering Control,” Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. January 15, 2013.
In its Spring 2013 issue, the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine published a review of Handbook of Intelligent Vehicles, edited by Prof. Azim Eskandarian (CEE).
Prof. Edward Della Torre and ECE doctoral students Hatem ElBidweihy and Christopher D. Burgy have had their peer-reviewed paper published in the European Physical Journal —Web of Conferences: Hatem ElBidweihy, Christopher D. Burgy, E. Della Torre, and M. Wun-Fogle. "Modeling and experimental analysis of magnetostriction in high strength steels." The work is a collaboration between GW’s Institute for Magnetics Research, the Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division, and the Office of Naval Research.
Profs. Edward Della Torre and Larry Bennett (both of ECE) and the GW Institute for Magnetic Research presented two papers at the 12th Joint MMM/INTERMAG Conference, held January 14-18 in Chicago, IL: 1) Provenzano, E. Della Torre, L.H. Bennett. “Magnetization Model for Heusler Alloys Near the Kittel Temperature;” and 2) M. Ghahremani, L.H. Bennett, E. Della Torre, M. Zou and F. Johnson. “Direct Measurement of the Hysteretic Latent Heat in a Magnetocaloric NiMnIn Heusler Alloy.”
Prof. Chunlei Liang (MAE) is co-organizing a mini-symposium on high-order methods for computational fluid dynamics with colleagues from the University of Michigan, UC Berkeley, and Imperial College London. This mini-symposium is associated with the 12th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM12) to be held next July in Raleigh, NC.
Prof. Michael Plesniak (MAE) has been selected to be inducted as a 2013 Member in the AIAA Region I Engineer of the Year Honor Society. The announcement of Prof. Plesniak’s selection noted his unique technical contributions in the area of contamination and disease transport through aircraft cabins, as well as his dedication in STEM education and public policy on behalf of AIAA.