The GW Virginia Science and Technology Campus has had many partnerships, spanning academic, research, and community engagement efforts over the years. The following are examples of current and former partnerships, but is not a comprehensive listing.
Partnerships with Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS)
- Art Partnerships: GW has been hosting the Young Artist Series exhibits on campus since 1999. The student art exhibits feature elementary, middle, and high school artwork year round. Artwork from different schools is assigned to our gallery area on a rotational basis. The Campus also hosts an annual exhibit of 2-D and 3-D artwork created by art educators working in the Loudoun County Public School system. All of these exhibits are open to the public.
Former Partnerships with Loudoun County Public Schools
- Science, Technology and Engineering Day (STE Day): This partnership with Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) captured students' imaginations while teaching them about career opportunities. LCPS high school students spent a day on GW’s campus experiencing hands-on workshops designed to illustrate different areas of academic study, research, and careers in the fields of science, technology, and engineering.
- The Teachers in Industry Project (GW TIP) was an initiative to provide middle and high school core content teachers the opportunity to experience firsthand the work environment for which they are preparing their students. Externship experiences at top regional businesses allow teachers in the English, math, science, social studies and CTE content areas to become aware of the core knowledge and skills needed to be successful in the STEM-focused 21st century workforce.
- Genomics Summer Camp: GO GIRL (Genomic Opportunities for Girls In Research Labs™) is an educational outreach program designed to provide a unique opportunity for young women interested in gaining hands-on laboratory experience in molecular biology and genomics. This annual four-day summer program is a joint effort between The Bernard J. Dunn School of Pharmacy, The George Washington University, Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS).
Foundation Center
The GW Virginia Science & Technology Campus Library is a Funding Information Network (FIN) Partner of the Foundation Center, offering resources that help non-profit organizations and individuals identify sources of grants and foundation funding.This resource is open to the university community at no charge. Library staff are available to help patrons use the resource by appointment.